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Daily YOGA: Sunday

Explore Magazine's article by Visi Tilak points out some benefits of yoga for Kids

"By practicing yoga poses, children can learn how to exercise, develop confidence, and concentrate better." Let's give it a try. Each day we will share a new pose with you for a total number of six poses. Saturday we will offer the entire sequence for you to practice. Our pictures and poses are from the yoga cards that we use in school. You can find out more at

Day 1 "Elephant"

"Stand firm on both feet, arms up in the air.

Hands joined together, touching in a prayer.

Then swing down from your hips as you let yourself drop,

Having fun in the water, as your trunk flip-flops!!"



Dec 11-Dec 29 Magic Journey

December 22 Solstice Celebration

Dec 23-Jan 4  Holiday Vacation

Jan 22 Community Event at Gunstock



to our December birthday friends

Liam                        Dec 6

Josie                        Dec 6

Erin                         Dec 14

Annette                   Dec 30


The Dewey School would welcome donations of any of the following:


Floor puzzles (trains, dinosaurs, wildlife, nature, states, alphabet)

Sensory Bin Fillers:

*packing peanuts

*cardboard tubes

*bird seed

*cotton balls

*rubber bands


Materials and Tools

*tape: colored masking tape

*smallish shovels

Outside Messy Materials

*rope for bridges

*plastic culvert


*outdoor musical instruments





Think Gardening

Real gardening tools for our garden

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